The Mom

Wife of one.  Mother of two.  Outnumbered big time in my house, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  I love my tough, rugged, silly boys.  

My husband rocks.  He is good looking, makes me laugh and helps around the house – a formidable set of traits!  

I’m one blessed girl – living in the South and learning as I go!  I love creative ideas (recipes, party ideas, activities, etc.), hanging out with family and friends, building a relationship with God, traveling, Spring & Fall, and talking about food (it’s a Bradbury gene, I can’t explain it!). 

The way to my heart is through chocolate and peanut butter, sarcastic humor, back rubs and fun surprises. 

This blog was created as a journal of my life since the addition of my Little Men.


  1. ginger:

    You are so thoughtful, with very deep perspective. I learn a lot from you and want to thank you for sharing your life with others. You’re a terrific daughter, mom, associate, sister and wife. Keep up the good work. I thank God for you and your many gifts and contributions that make this world a better place for so many of us.

    Love Dad

  2. Morning, Ginger…

    Was checking my bookmarks this am and came across your blog and was led to catch your additions going back a while.

    What a wonderful legacy you are leaving for your family and all who are providentially led to check out your words of wisdom.

    Didn’t we have a great time this past weekend? It was wonderful that you all were able to come our way and spend time with Great Gramma Saft. Afraid her C-diff is back this morning with a vengence so will have to start from scratch to get it under control.

    Have a super day with all of your extended family.



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