
The Proverbs 31 Wife/Mother

One thing that is very helpful for me is memorizing bible verses.  Because I have to repeat them over and over to memorize them, I often hear other sub-messages in the text that prompt me in life.  Lately, I’ve been memorizing Proverbs 31.  I love these verses.  It reminds me what a great responsibility I have as a wife and mother.  Here are some of the portions that stand out most to me:

“he trusts her and she will greatly enrich his life” – I love the reminder that a good wife makes her husband’s life better.  I want my husband’s life to be better because I’m in it, not in spite of it.

“her lamp burns late into the night” – I love that she’s got a lot to do and is a hard worker. I’m also a night owl and completely agree with getting things done at night! 🙂

“she extends a hand to the poor, her arms are open to the needy” – This really resonated with me.  I want to do a better job of serving others.  I want to listen for opportunities to give my time to those in need and just generally be more like Jesus was on this earth.

“she laughs without fear of the future” – This is an area that I got another prick.  I laugh a lot but typically not around areas where I’m concerned about my ‘what if’.  It’s hard for these to go hand in hand with me.  Either I’m easy going and fun but if I’m stressed about something, watch out. I’m easily rattled. (Ask my husband.)  I want to be more faithful and confident in my future, even when ‘what ifs’ arise, because I know that God is at the center of it. I want to be able to truly laugh without fear of what I’m facing.

Has there been a scripture that’s really spoken to you lately or prompted you to action?

5 Randoms

Want to know a little more about me… Here are 5 random facts about me:

1. I am a night owl.  However, I can say that since having Landon I’ve become slightly more of a morning person. However, Dean and I get into bed at around 9:30/10 – he goes right to sleep and I’m up until at least 11:30.

2. I’ve been skydiving… in Australia (yay study abroad!).  I thought it was a really cool experience and wouldn’t mind doing it again, however, I’d definitely think twice since I now have a husband and kid at home!

3. I think my ideal number of kids is 3.  Dean’s is 2. For at least 3 months following Landon’s birth, my ideal number was 1. 😉

4. I am very cheap.  I hate spending money on things I don’t need.  However, I almost always get sucked into buying at least 1 thing everytime I pass the Target $1 Stop.  I mean, who doesn’t need a pack of cute pencils or colorful new sponges?!

5. I don’t want to live an extraordinarily long life.  While hitting the 1-0-0 milestone is quite an accomplishment, I think I would prefer to live until around 80.  It just seems to me that quality of life at such an old age is tough and I think I’d like to go while I still had some zip in my step!

Achey Knees

I haven’t even hit my 30th and already I am being plagued by old people knees!! Recently, as I’ve started working out more and running again, I have noticed extra joint pain in the days following a tough workout or longer run. Not muscle pain, but that almost-arthritis-y pain where it feels like your bones are rubbing together (especially on the stairs!).

This is not a good sign. My hubby had to get knee surgery (his third) six weeks before our wedding… he told me it was going to be minor. Nope. Doctor called from the recovery room and said they had to do a full microfracture surgery. Crutches for at least four weeks. (Yes, I broke down on the phone with the doctor, asking between my tears, “did he tell you we are getting married on the beach in six weeks?!! How is he going to walk down the aisle?” I was more worried about a husband that could walk on our wedding day than why he had to have the extra invasive procedure!)

Turns out my husband has the knees of a 60 year old man… well, that was two years ago, so he probably has the knees of a 62 year old man by now. All this to say, there has been a lot of glucosamine condroitin on the counter lately. I am hoping that I can slow the breakdown of my knees. I’d like to have a few more years of 3-4 mile evening jogs left!

My hubby, well, I think that’s already a lost cause. We’re just hoping to prolong the years until the inevitable knee replacement.

Pounding the Pavement

This week I went on my first solo run (i.e. no jogger) since I was 7 mos pregnant.  It felt good not to have to push a stroller and have free arms.  The cool air in my lungs, blasting my songs…

Now, don’t go thinking that I’m a regular out there… since having Landon last March, I’ve gone on three runs with the jogger (all within the last month) and they’ve gotten easier and easier as I learn the best way to run with a bulky, rolling contraption out front. I’m just trying to get into the groove of things and exercise consistently again. 

In fact, I’ve made a goal for myself – after exercising 10 times in January, my goal for February is 14 workouts.  Whether its a P90X dvd, a run outside or getting on some cardio equipment, I want to make a better effort with my health (especially now that Landon is a little older and I’m also not nursing/pumping anymore).

Landon LOVE, LOVE, LOVES going out in his jogger… so this has been a plus for both of us – Landon enjoys the view and mommy gets her heart rate up.  So here’s to (hopefully) many more afternoons of pounding the pavement this month!

My Current Favorite: Verse

I have been loving this verse for about 2 months now and it still comes to mind regularly (probably almost daily). 

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” 
Prov. 19:21

I am just loving this… so often I get stuck or frustrated when things don’t go as I expect and I love this reminder – my plan… my design… my way… isn’t always God’s way.  And ultimately, I know His plan is better than I could ever have imagined for myself.

Social Media

I can’t imagine what life would have been like to have Facebook, Twitter, etc. in college.  ALL of my friends had AOL Instant Messenger accounts (R.I.P. Gingerbread9781) and that’s how you stayed in the loop.  I’m sure it’s probably for the better that I didnt have a Facebook account. I’m sure there are some ‘incriminating’ photos out there somewhere… Hopefully not too many 😉 

Since I was the one with the camera all the time, I’m sure I have MOST of them!  But if there are any, I’m sure they’d surface if I ran for President or something!!

Things I’m Excited About Right Now…

1. Putting in hardwoods and granite counters in our house.  I think it’s gonna turn out great.

2. Captivating… the book I’m reading with my women’s Lifegroup.  I am loving this book – such a great read for ALL WOMEN!  And it’s even better going through it with a bunch of fabulous women!

3. Rice Cereal – Since Landon’s started on it, he’s been sleeping much better at night.  He was a hungry little guy…

4. Talking about our Greece trip.  So looking forward to April/May 2011 with the Kamm’s 🙂

5. Catching up with old friends… It’s so great to have a 40 min conversation with a friend you havent talked to in a year… hearing what’s new in their life, sharing things in your life, etc.

6. Charlotte Restaurant Week – Dean and I have a date night with some friends on Sat and then we’re heading out solo next Sunday… two delicious restaurants – I can’t wait!

7. Our new camera – I am loving practicing shots and seeing how they turn out when I check  them out on the computer later.

8. Planning for the future – it’s fun when Dean and I talk about where we think we’ll be in the next five years… it’s interesting to see where our plans overlap and where we have differences.

My Delivery Story

A couple of people have suggested I write down Landon’s labor and delivery story so I have it for future reference… I’ve been told that you often forget those ‘more traumatic moments’ as you try to block them out – but I have to say, my L&D wasn’t all that bad.  I’ve tried to make this as ‘not gross’ as possible, but if you don’t like medical stuff – you should probably skip this post 😉

Week 40, Feb 18 – due date came and went. The doctor told me they wouldnt let me get to 42 weeks – as the likelihood for problems with the baby increases greatly at this point. (And I wasn’t fighting her on it… I just wanted him/her out – I didn’t know the sex at this point!)

Week 41 – I go in for another check up – still no activity – everything is still completely closed up – doesn’t look like baby has any plans for an appearance. Schedule induction – to report to hospital on Sunday night – Feb 28.

Feb 26 – my sister has to have a planned c-section 10 days early bc Harleigh is not liking life in the womb. She is breech and also has low amnotic fluid levels – causes her momma some extra stress and the dr has to get her out that Friday morning.

Feb 28th – head to the hospital at 5pm – say hi to my sister who has her 2 day old baby just across the hall. I check in to get monitored and medicine to soften the cervix (since there is still no activity and baby is way up in my belly – hasn’t dropped at all).  The nurses tell me the way my baby looks, it is likely that they will start Pitocin in the morning (to start contractions for me), then give me more medicine the next night and get me on Pitocin again the next day.  They say that since the baby is so “snug” in there, that I shouldn’t be surprised if it takes 2 days for him/her to arrive.  This news does not make me happy – I want to be able to lay on my back again, to not lose my breath when I walk up the stairs, to tie my shoes without feeling like I will pass out…

After they give me the cervix medicine, I ask the nurse if I can walk down the hall to visit my sister – she has to check with the doctor bc she’s never had that question before… 🙂  (What is the likelihood that two sisters deliver at the same hospital only three days apart?!?) The nurse said I couldnt leave the room bc they were monitoring me, but my sister was able to come down the hall and hang out with me.  Of course my parents and Dean were up there too.

Mar 1 – In the morning (7am) the nurses come in to check my monitor and let me know that I’ve been having activity (“some contracting”) all night.  They are shocked that I can’t feel any of this.  She stands at the monitor and lets me know I am having a contraction and asks me if I can feel it.  I can’t.  They start me on the Pitocin drip at 8am. 

Around 10, I start feeling slight pain – feels like my “monthly cramps”  but not as bad as mine usually are… yet.   (Dean calls my mom and lets her know that she can head up to be part of the labor and delivery experience.)  By 11:30 they are starting to feel terrible and I call a nurse to come check on me and ask her if there is another position I should be in or something I can do bc I am feeling really nauseous (I have the trashcan at my bedside) and have pain in waves.  (I’ve always been told that labor is waaaaay worse than monthly cramps, so I assume that I am not in labor yet.  I am expecting labor to be super excrutiating pain – not that it’s not painful but I was expecting much more extreme pain – worse than my cramsp.)  The nurse asks if I’ve had any progress (i.e. am I dialated or effaced).  I told her I hadn’t been checked since last night and it was doubtful since the baby was so “snug” and high up there.  She checked me and told me that I was actually 2-3cm dialated.  She asked if I wanted an epideral (which I planned to likely get).  I asked if I went ahead and got it, if it would slow down the progress and cause me to be in labor for hours and hours.  She said that because I was already making progress, I should continue to progress.  She also said that if I didnt choose to get it then, the anestesiologist had a couple of surgeries that she would be in and it might be an hour or two before I could get one… this was the kicker for me and I told her to go ahead and call up the needle doc.

I got my epideral at noon and immedately felt relief.  After about an hour I was feeling really bad pressure (which they said is the sign of a good epideral – you can still feel pressure but not pain).  At  1pm I called the nurse in again and told her that I felt like I needed to start pushing.  She asked if my water had broken yet.  I told her I didnt think so and she had the dr come in to check me.  I was 7-8cm dialated and he went ahead and broke my water.  He said it would help speed things up. 

Well, by 2pm the pressure was getting unbareable.  I called the nurse in again and told her I really wanted to push.  She said she would need to see if I was fully dialated yet.  I was at 10cm so she had me do a ‘practice push’ – because she wanted to see what I would do and I guess see how the baby would respond to it.  I started pushing at 2:10pm – my hubby on one side, my mom on the other.  At 2:40 the nurse told me I needed to stop pushing “unless I wanted my mom or husband to deliver the baby” and she was going to go get the doctor.  The doctor came in  and asked if I wanted to have the mirror to see my delivery.  I always thought that I would say no, but for some reason I just decided to have the mirror and see my baby come out. I was afraid I would regret not seeing it.  He had me push a few more times. 

By 2:55 he told me that my last couple of pushes hadn’t made much progress and he said if he “helped it along” that the baby would come out on the next push.  He went ahead and gave me a little episiotomy and told me to go ahead and push.  The next push, I watched in the mirror and saw the head pop right out.  One more push and out came Baby Dean.  The doctor held him where I could clearly see it was a BOY!!  At 2:59pm on Mar 1 2010, Dean and I’s lives were forever changed with the arrival of our Little Man – Landon Robert.

To quickly hit some thoughts of my labor and delivery experience – it was a MILLION times easier/better/less scary than I thought it would be (I tend to work myself up with worse case scenario so I am always prepared for it, or pleasantly surprised that it wasnt so bad); I still can’t believe that with how “not ready” he was to come out, he arrived within 5 hours from first painful contraction to having him in my arms – I didnt think it would move along so quickly; I didn’t really know how to react when I first saw him – I just kinda looked at him (I didn’t have this overwhelming – ‘I love this baby’ – feeling that many moms say they have, I just thought, “wow, this is cool… he’s here… now, what to name him?!?!”); it was really cool to be in the hospital and go through the experience with my sister – even though she had a c-section and I had regular birth, we still had lots of things to share with each other.  Also the nurses always knew who we are and who our babies were – we were the sisters who delivered together!! 

WOW this is long – sorry!