Planning our garden

When we moved into our new house last fall, one of the cool things about it was this cute raised bed garden they had installed.  It’s about 5′ x 5′ and I am super excited about it.

I’ve always thought when we moved out of our townhouse that I’d like to grow some stuff outside.  (At the townhouse I tried some planters of tomatoes the first two years, but the results were ‘meh’!)

Since October, the kids have been asking if it’s time for us to dig in our garden and plant stuff.  Well, it’s finally time and they are thrilled!

I’m thinking we’ll do a variety of tomatoes (especially the cherry tomatoes), cucumber, basil, mint and maybe one or two other things.  I also think it would be cool to plant some ‘non foods’ in there, like a cute bush or two so the raised bed doesn’t look so empty in the ‘off season’.  I’d love some kind of berries, but nothing too large.  Any ideas out there for what I should add that will grow well in this Carolina spring/summer?!

Any other gardening tips I should think about?

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